£2.25M Mortgage Secured for Dream Covent Garden Duplex Despite Complex Income

You’ve found the perfect location and home but securing the mortgage has proven difficult. Many aspiring homeowners encounter this very challenge when navigating the complexities of securing a mortgage, particularly if you have a more intricate income. This was precisely the situation for...

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Prime Central London: An Enduring Legacy for High-Net-Worth Individuals

Looking for secure, high-growth investment options? Prime Central London (PCL) property could be the ideal addition to your portfolio. Resilience in a Shifting Market While some property markets have seen recent fluctuations, PCL has demonstrated remarkable stability. Despite global economic uncertainties, PCL values...

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Henry Dannell Secures £5.1m Mortgage for Partner at Renowned Legal Practice to Buy Prime Central London Home

At Henry Dannell, we’re proud to share another successful story. Recently, our team helped senior partners at a world-renowned law firm achieve their property goals. Our clients approached us with a time-sensitive situation. They had identified their dream property, a stunning 2,100 square foot apartment in...

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The Nuances of Securing High-Value Mortgages in Today’s Dynamic Market

You have the income; you have the assets, so it should be straightforward. The reality is that securing a high-value mortgage requires a high level of experience, knowledge, and determination. The Ever-Changing Landscape of High-Value Mortgages  Let’s start by looking at what a...

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Henry Dannell Secures High LTV Mortgage for Non-Dom Client Acquiring £4.3m UK Property

We have successfully facilitated a high Loan-to-Value (LTV) mortgage for a non-domiciled client with minimal UK income to acquire a £4.3 million residential property. The client, a high-net-worth entrepreneur with substantial offshore wealth, presented unique challenges where UK lending is concerned...

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Successfully Secured €5m Bridging Loan in Italy

This case underscores Henry Dannell’s role in high-value property financing, showcasing our ability to work closely with professional introducers and provide bespoke property finance solutions. Client Background Residence: Monaco Completion Timeline: 5 weeks Loan Amount: €5m Property Location: Capri, Italy...

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Demystifying High-Value Mortgages: Essential Insights for Homebuyers

Unravelling the Complexities of High-Value Mortgages for Aspiring Homebuyers If you’re on the journey to becoming a homeowner with a property valued at over £1m, you’ve likely come across the term “high-value mortgages“. But what exactly are high-value mortgages, and how...

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Accessing Capital with a Lombard Loan

A Lombard loan is a strategic financial tool that can provide you with flexibility and the potential for asset preservation. In the realm of modern finance, diverse instruments and strategies are used to secure loans and access capital. One method becoming more and more prominent is...

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High-Value Mortgages | High Street Banks Challenge the Status Quo

High street banks are boldly stepping into the £1m to £10m mortgage arena The mortgage market has recently undergone a major transformation. Retail banks are now stepping up to challenge private banking institutions head-on, breaking the traditional mould where mortgages ranging from £1m to £10m...

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